For the third year in a row the LA Auto Show donated tickets for the Esquires to attend at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The Esquires were able to enjoy a day at one of the world’s largest auto shows with over 1,000 vehicles on display.

Building Tomorrow's Leaders, One Esquire at a Time
For the third year in a row the LA Auto Show donated tickets for the Esquires to attend at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The Esquires were able to enjoy a day at one of the world’s largest auto shows with over 1,000 vehicles on display.
On January 11, 2020 from 10am-12 Noon, at View Park Preparatory Middle Scho0l (5311 Crenshaw Blvd, LA), the Los Angeles Police Department’s Black Police Officers Association, The Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation (OJB), will facilitate a Know Your Rights workshop for the Alpha Esquires. This will be an informative workshop that you will not want to miss
On September 24th, the Alpha Esquires (AE) Intro to Technology Day proved to be a grand success. Technology entrepreneur and AE board member Mrs Tina Fitch, technology guru Tommy Hanks, and Apple software engineer Christopher Ketant, facilitated a workshop the Esquires will not forget. The afternoon began with Mrs Fitch providing information on the absence of African Americans in the technology industry, although their are numerous well paying jobs available. Mr Ketant followed with a story on how he became involved in technology and the numerous road blocks and hurdles he had to overcome to achieve the status he has today. He encouraged the Esquires by telling them they can become whatever they want and to use him as motivation. Lastly, Mr Hanks treated the Esquires to a hands on workshop on code writing. Esquires were allowed to execute a few simple code writing sequences and view how those codes translate into video games they play on a daily basis. The day concluded with 14 Esquires signing up to participate in Mr Hanks’ FREE code writing class. Through Mr Hanks’ non-profit, iFoundry, Esquires will be provided all of the literature and equipment necessary to complete the course…… FREE OF CHARGE!!!! What a day for the Alpha Esquires!
On November 5, 2016, the Alpha Esquires will facilitate a Community Leadership Forum at Crenshaw High School. The symposium will feature with a panel discussion surrounding relationships with law enforcement. The panel is comprised of Judges, lawyers, District Attorneys, and police officers from various agencies.
The Community Leadership Symposium was a grand success. In excess of 100 youth and members of the community members participated in an open discussion with:
The Honorable Allen Webster – LA County Superior Court Judge
Michelle Humphrey, Esq – LA County District Attorney’s Office
Nushaun Neal, Esq – Civil Litigation
Sergeant Aleta Iraldo – Los Angeles Airport Police
Sergeant Dominic Iraldo – Whittier Police Department
Sergeant Arthur Thomas – LA County Sheriff’s Department
Sergeant/Detective Taaj Muhammad -LAPD
Police Officer Deon Joseph – LAPD
Detective Dion Ingram – LA County Sheriff’s Department
Pastor Takim Brown – Faith Inspirational Missionary Baptist Church
The Symposium was moderated by actor/activist, Mr Joseph C. Phillips.
The afternoon was dynamic! The youth were not afraid to ask tough questions, and the panelist were not shy! This event was driven by truth as opposed to political correctness. The panelist were adamant about providing the community with information on how to survive encounters with the police and what to do if civil rights violations occur. The event left the community requesting a follow up symposium! Stay tuned! Our work is not done!
On October 22, 2016, the Alpha Esquires will have its 2nd Annual Pancake Breakfast at the Los Angeles Alpha House. 100% of the proceeds go towards Alpha Esquires education enhancement and mentoring activities. See the flyer below for details.
On September 24, the Esquires will participate in an intro to technology day. Engineers from Apple and HobNob advertising will facilitate the workshop and provide instruction in code writing and the opportunities that exist in the field. The work shop will be held at Crenshaw High School from 11am-2pm.
On September 8th 2016, the Alpha Esquires will take a tour of the African American Firefighters Museum. The will be treated to a tour of the Museum, participate in a Fireside Chat, and be given a lecture on fire safety. This promises to be an exciting and informative event.
Well it has begun! The Alpha Esquires celebrated the success of Esquires of the past, welcomed back returning Esquires, and greeted newly enrolled Esquires. Esquires and parents were reminded what it takes for your child to gain acceptance into the college of their choice, educated on A-G requirements, given information on how to gain acceptance into scholarship societies, and apprised of all the things in store for the Esquires during the 2016-2017 school year!
The Kickoff Was Packed!
Our Mentors Were Engaged!
Our Parents Were Active!
The Village Was Alive!
Interaction Was Non-Stop!
We are excited about things to come!